Starting work with Gary

ght1Therapist, Coach, and Supervisor, Gary Hawke works with people from all walks of life, helping them to foster well-being and self-efficacy. He has worked within the 3rd sector, schools, prisons, and currently provides a therapeutic coaching service for private clients, and supervision for corporate clients. His work draws from his Dramatherapy training, the Integral Theory philosophy of Ken Wilber, Claire Graves model of growth and development know as Spiral Dynamics, and the Critical Realism philosophy of Roy Bhaskar.

He leads workshops and retreats that focus on self-identity, developmental growth, and effective interpersonal skills. With an approach described as a “brilliant, comprehensive and very well tested multidimensional method to manifest true evolving authenticity”, Gary continually evolves his skills through personal training and exploration of the latest discoveries in human change, creativity, and growth.

Gary completed the three year Health and Care Professions Council licensing Dramatherapist training. He is a certified Advanced Core Integral Professional, he trained with the founder of Spiral Dynamics Integral, Don Back whom he received SDi certification, and was was mentored and supported in his project of integrating Critical Realism into his work by the Institute of Education’s World Scholar and founder of the Critical Realism movement Roy Bhaskar.

Gary sees a human being as inter-connected, as evolving, and as spiritual. His continuing project is an exploration of human flourishing and the creation of a process that supports flourishing in the four domains of life: understanding ourselves, participating more fully in our relationships, creating more effective ways of working, and bringing more presence to our place within the world.

Gary’s unique skill is in applying the right creative tool with the right amount of support and challenge to help you achieve a style of life in which you flourish in success and well-being.

“Quite a few years ago, I decided to engage in psychotherapy on a regular basis to maximise my emotional and mental well-being, in the same way that one goes to the gym regularly to maintain optimum physical health. I sought out the best therapist I could find, and my hunt led to Gary Hawke who lives in London, which is a long way from my home. So we set up Skype sessions, which I’ve been doing, when I feel the need to, for about 7 years now (maybe even longer) it’s been one of the best decisions I’ve made. Skype makes the whole thing more affordable, as there is no premises to rent etc. If you are interested in going from a good life, to an excellent life, I recommend contacting Gary.”

Ralph Cree

Founder of Magic Drum – Drumming workshops for education, and business.

thankyou2By completing the contact form at the bottom of this page with your name and email address, I will aim to contact you within 24 hours of receiving your email address to arrange a 60 minutes Introduction Call.  During the call you can get a feel for how I work, this will give you and I a change to assess whether we can build a working alliance.

I suggest that after the introduction call you take time to think about working together. Then get back in touch and we can book your first 60 minutes Working Alliance Call.

As some clients have discovered, as you may, that the Introduction Call is powerful enough to begin breaking through your blocks that are stopping you from experiencing an abundance of success, happiness, and well-being.

All you and I have to do is arrange the booking for the Introduction Call.

Contact Gary to book your Introduction call


“I have worked with several life coaches and Gary is the best I know by a mile. He is a well of knowledge in developmental psychology, continually keeping abreast of the latest research and theories. He has a unique ability to integrate these seamlessly into his approach, enabling him to offer multiple perspectives on any issues. Above all, Gary is a very fine individual, who is deeply sensitive to others. This means he is able to picks up on the untold, which makes him a very skilled coach and therapist. His work ethics is exemplary and I fully trust him as a person.”

Fay Israsena – 
Associate Director at Smithfield Consultants
